Lors de la première guerre mondiale, les Turcs musulmans étaient bien sûr du côté des Allemands. Les Albanais aussi. Pas les Serbes. Lors de la seconde guerre mondiale, même chose, Croates, Albanais, Bosniaques, Turcs, tous du côté des nazis, et les Serbes à nos côtés pour résister bravement face à la monstrueuse dictature.
Ce n'était donc que justice que de replacer les étendards de la Serbie au mémorial des anciens combattants de 1914-1918. Reste à présent à informer les enseignants de nos écoles de France et de Navarre, d'Outre-Quiévrain (Belgique), d'Helvétie (Suisse), etc, sur qui étaient les vrais héros de ces guerres, et qui étaient les vrais salauds. Car en ce qui concerne ces derniers, pas de changement de comportement depuis lors. Le génocide des Serbes continue méthodiquement, sous l'égide de l'ONU et des USA cette fois.
RETHONDES Le drapeau de la Grande Serbie remis au mémorial
Dimanche 26 Octobre 2008
Dans le cadre des manifestations du 90e anniversaire de l'armistice, l'ambassadeur de Serbie, Predrag Simic, a remis officiellement le drapeau de la Grande Serbie de 1918, au mémorial de la clairière de l'armistice hier. Cette cérémonie a eu lieu en présence d'une délégation serbe, dont le colonel Slavol jub Dabic, le 1er secrétaire, Simisa Pavic et des personnalités locales.
« Des rapports sains tournés vers l'avenir »
Après plusieurs allocutions retraçant l'histoire de la Serbie dans la guerre 14-18 et l'amitié qui lie la France à la Serbie, toutes terminées par « Vive la Serbie ! Vive la France ! », l'ambassadeur a ranimé la flamme du mémorial. L'hymne national serbe a été chanté par des enfants serbes présents, vite repris par les membres de l'assemblée, puis La Marseillaise a été entonnée. Deux enfants de chaque pays ont ensuite porté le drapeau de la Serbie jusqu'à sa place dans le mémorial. Les participants ont pu suivre ensuite une visite guidée du mémorial.
Ce fut un moment chargé de souvenirs pendant lequel chacun a pu se rendre compte combien « le peuple de France a toujours manifesté beaucoup d'amitié au peuple serbe », a commenté le général de Percin. Pour l'ambassadeur, Predrag Simic, une telle manifestation permet « d'entretenir des rapports sains, tournés vers l'avenir ».
Serbian Flag Returned to the Victors’ Podium in France
Oct 27th, 2008 | By De-Construct.net | In Weekend
Vive la Serbie!
After 50 years, Serbian flag rises again alongside flags of the First World War Allies in the Ferdinand Foch’s railway carriage in Compiègne Forest near Paris, where the Armistice with Germany was signed on November 11, 1918.
Serbian flag, which found its rightful place at the honorary victors’ podium following the WWI, was removed from the French WWI memorial after the WWII due to the fact Serbia was submerged in Yugoslavia, run by the communist dictator Tito and comprised of the nations allied with the enemies: Slovenians and Croats who fought on the Austro-Hungarian and German side, and Bosnian and Albanian Muslims, engaged on the Turkish Ottoman (and German) side.
Serbian flag was ceremoniously returned to the Compiègne Memorial by the Serbian and French children, as part of the 90th anniversary of the Armistice. The ceremony was attended by the Serbian Ambassador to France Predrag Simic and Colonel Slavoljub Dabic, as well as by the local French dignitaries.
Reminders of the history of the two nations and Serbian-French relations were followed with cheers “Vive la Serbie!” and “Vive la France!” Ambassador Simic lit the Memorial’s Eternal Flame, after which the Serbian and the French anthem were sung.
Program marking the anniversary of the WWI armistice is scheduled to include conference titled France and Serbia, 1918-2008, to be held on November 3. French diplomat Michel Foucher and Serbian historians Vojislav Pavlovic and Stanislav Sretenovic will be among the Conference speakers.
Comme pour mieux prouver qu'ils n'ont jamais changé leur projet d'extermination de tout ce qui n'est pas musulman, les Albanais qui ont reçu des USA et de l'ONU - contre la Résolution 1299 de l'ONU.. - le territoire "coeur historique" de la Serbie, à savoir la province serbe du Kosovo, continuent les attaques contre les Serbes qui y survivent.
President Tadić Demands Protection for Kosovo-Metohija Serbs
Jan 5th, 2009 | By De-Construct.net | In Kosovo-Metohija Crisis
Kosovo Serbs in Constant Danger and Inadequately Protected
He charged international organizations stationed in the province and entrusted with providing safe environment for all residents — KFOR, EULEX and UNMIK — for failing to react in time to prevent repeated Albanian attacks against the Serbs remaining in the province, and requested immediate increase of the level of security and protection for Kosovo Serbs.
President Tadić assessed that the real intention of the secessionist leadership in Priština and Albanian terrorists is to provoke conflicts with Serbs through violence in order to stop the implementation of the six-point agreement reached between Serbia and the United Nations, and confirmed by the UN Security Council.
Priština Albanians rejected the UN-sanctioned agreement, which Serbian leadership cited as a precondition for approving deployment of the EU mission (EULEX) in its southern Kosovo-Metohija province.
Serbian President also demanded immediate measures to protect the Serbs who are in danger.
In his letter, he stressed a lack of adequate reaction by the peacekeeping forces stationed in the province and obligated to protect and secure the Serbs who are the most endangered in Kosovo and Metohija province.
“Incidents such as these could lead to a worsening of the overall security situation in Kosovo and I am therefore requesting from the representatives of the international community to immediately increase the level of security they are responsible for, and to prevent attacks against Kosovo Serbs,” President Tadić wrote.
Albanian Terror Continues
More than dozen people were hurt in the southern Serbian province in a series of incidents which took place around the New Year’s Eve and Day, with Albanian attacks focusing mainly on the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, the biggest remaining majority Serb enclave in ethnically cleansed Kosovo.
The attacks started with two Albanians stabbing a 16-year-old Serbian boy on December 30 in Kosovska Mitrovica, assault on Serbian mayor who tried to calm down the tensions by talking to Albanians, and an attack on the town’s police patrol, all on the same day.
On January 2, Albanians threw a hand grenade on a Serbian coffee shop and two bombs at the Serbian firefighters later on, when they responded to the call to put out fire in Albanian-owned shop.
During the night on January 3, group of Albanians fired rounds of ammunition at the family house of the president of Serbian humanitarian organization “Children’s Joy”, and on January 4, a group of some 20 Albanians attacked two Kosovo Serbs who had a misfortune to have their car break down in the mostly Albanian-populated settlement in northern Kosovska Mitrovica called Bošnjačka Mahala.
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