En ces temps où la guerre sévit à nouveau à l'intérieur d'Israël, dans les territoires autonomes palestiniens, territoires que nos journalistes oublient de préciser qu'ils font encore légalement partie d'Israël, journalistes qui ne cessent de passer sous silence les incessants tirs de roquettes & missiles sur les populations civiles juives de la part du Hamas et du Fatah, les vols et détournements collossaux des aides internationales faites par ces mêmes groupes terroristes appelées "interlocuteurs politiques" par nos "élus", voici un intéressant article que notre lectrice Jackie D. nous envoie :
Les Juifs et l'Islam…
La population musulmane mondiale est approximativement de (un milliard deux cent millions) soit 20% de la population mondiale.Ils ont reçu les prix Nobel suivants :
1988 - Najib Mahfooz
1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat
1994 - Yaser Arafat
1999 - Ahmed Zewail
La population juive mondiale est approximativement de 14.000.000 (14millions) soit 0.02% de la population mondiale.
Ils ont reçu les prix Nobel suivants :
> 1910 - Paul Heyse
> 1927 - Henri Bergson
> 1958 - Boris Pasternak
> 1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon
> 1966 - Nelly Sachs
> 1976 - Saul Bellow
> 1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer
> 1981 - Elias Canetti
> 1987 - Joseph Brodsky
> 1991 - Nadine Gordimer
> 1911 - Alfred Fried
> 1911 - Tobias Michael Carel Asser
> 1968 - Rene Cassin
> 1973 - Henry Kissinger
> 1978 - Menachem Begin
> 1986 - Elie Wiesel
> 1994 - Shimon Peres
> 1994 - Yitzhak Rabin
> 1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer
> 1906 - Henri Moissan
> 1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson
> 1908 - Gabriel Lippmann
> 1910 - Otto Wallach
> 1915 - Richard Willstaetter
> 1918 - Fritz Haber
> 1921 - Albert Einstein
> 1922 - Niels Bohr
> 1925 - James Franck
> 1925 - Gustav Hertz
> 1943 - Gustav Stern
> 1943 - George Charles de Hevesy
> 1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi
> 1952 - Felix Bloch
> 1954 - Max Born
> 1958 - Igor Tamm
> 1959 - Emilio Segre
> 1960 - Donald A. Glaser
> 1961 - Robert Hofstadter
> 1961 - Melvin Calvin
> 1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau
> 1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz
> 1965 - Richard Phillips Feynman
> 1965 - Julian Schwinger
> 1969 - Murray Gell-Mann
> 1971 - Dennis Gabor
> 1972 - William Howard Stein
> 1973 - Brian David Josephson
> 1975 - Benjamin Mottleson
> 1976 - Burton Richter
> 1977 - Ilya Prigogine
> 1978 - Arno Allan Penzias
> 1978 - Peter L Kapitza
> 1979 - Stephen Weinberg
> 1979 - Sheldon Glashow
> 1979 - Herbert Charle s Brown
> 1980 - Paul Berg
> 1980 - Walter Gilbert
> 1981 - Roald Hoffmann
> 1982 - Aaron Klug
> 1985 - Albert A. Hauptman
> 1985 - Jerome Karle
> 1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach
> 1988 - Robert Huber
> 1988 - Leon Lederman
> 1988 - Melvin Schwartz
> 1988 - Jack Steinberger
> 1989 - Sidney Altman
> 1990 - Jerome Friedman
> 1992 - Rudolph Marcus
> 1995 - Martin Perl
> 2000 - Alan J. Heeger
> 1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson
> 1971 - Simon Kuznets
> 1972 - Kenneth Joseph Arrow
> 1975 - Leonid Kantorovich
> 1976 - Milton Friedman
> 1978 - Herbert A. Simon
> 1980 - Lawrence Robert Klein
> 1985 - Franco Modigliani
> 1987 - Robert M. Solow
> 1990 - Harry Markowitz
> 1990 - Merton Miller
> 1992 - Gary Becker
> 1993 - Robert Fogel
> 1908 - Elie Metchnikoff
> 1908 - Paul Erlich
> 1914 - Robert Barany
> 1922 - Otto Meyerhof
> 1930 - Karl Landsteiner
> 1931 - Otto Warburg
> 1936 - Otto Loewi
> 1944 - Joseph Erlanger
> 1944 - Herbert Spencer Gasser
> 1945 - Ernst Boris Chain
> 1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller
> 1950 - Tadeus Reichstein
> 1952 - Selman Abraham Waksman
> 1953 - Hans Krebs
> 1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann
> 1958 - Joshua Lederberg
> 1959 - Arthur Kornberg
> 1964 - Konrad Bloch
> 1965 - Francois Jacob
> 1965 - Andre Lwoff
> 1967 - George Wald
> 1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg
> 1969 - Salvador Luria
> 1970 - Julius Axelrod
> 1970 - Sir Bernard Katz
> 1972 - Gerald Maurice Edelman
> 1975 - Howard Martin Temin
> 1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg
> 1977 - Roselyn Sussman Yalow
> 1978 - Daniel Nathans
> 1980 - Baruj Benacerraf
> 1984 - Cesar Milstein
> 1985 - Michael Stuart Brown
> 1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein
> 1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]
> 1988 - Gertrude Elion
> 1989 - Harold Varmus
> 1991 - Erwin Neher
> 1991 - Bert Sakmann
> 1993 - Richard J. Roberts
> 1993 - Phillip Sharp
> 1994 - Alfred Gilman
> 1995 - Edward B. Lewis
Les juifs ne manifestent pas dans les rues exposants leurs cadavres, criant et chantant pour demander revanche.
Les juifs ne pratiquent pas le lavage de cerveau de leurs enfants dans des camps militaires, leur enseignant à se faire exploser en causant le maximum de morts parmi les non croyants.
Les juifs ne prennent pas les avions en otage, ni ne tuent les athlètes des jeux olympiques.
Les juifs ne font pas la traite des esclaves, et n'ont pas de leaders appelant au Jihad et à la mort de tous les infidèles.
Les juifs n'ont pas de ressources économiques dans le pétrole.
Peut être que les musulmans du monde devraient considérer investir plus dans l'éducation de leurs enfants plutôt que de blâmer les Juifs comme la cause de tous leurs problèmes....
Quelles que soient vos ressentiments vis-à-vis de la crise entre Israël et les Palestiniens et les pays arabes voisins, même si vous pensez qu'il y a plus de culpabilité du coté Israélien, les deux phrases suivantes parlent d'elles-mêmes :
Si les arabes du monde déposaient leurs armes aujourd'hui, il n'y aurait plus de violence !
Si les Juifs déposaient leurs armes aujourd'hui, il n'y aurait plus d'Israël !
La rédaction de "Zoon Politikon" complète avec l'intéressante information interne au Hamas : la promotion de la guerre auprès des jeunes. L'unique prix Nobel des Palestiniens sera celui de la violence et de la haine enseignée dès l'enfance. On pourra le complèter par un prix Nobel d'économie maffieuse, de détournements massifs de fonds, de banditisme, etc, mais ça ferait mesquin car personne ne peut prétendre concourrir contre ces gens-là.
Hamas Children's Magazine Al-Fateh Encourages Terrorism, Glorifies Martyrdom
MEMRI ^ | October 08 2007 | C. JacobThe Hamas children's magazine Al-Fateh is published biweekly in London, and is also posted online at www.al-fateh.net. It began publication in September 2002, and its 108th issue was released in mid-September 2007.
The magazine, which features stories, poems, riddles, puzzles, etc., includes incitement to jihad and martyrdom and glorification of terrorist operations and of their planners and perpetrators, as well as characterizations of Jews as "murderers of the prophets" and laudatory descriptions of parents who encourage their sons to kill Jews. In each issue, a regular feature titled "The Story of a Martyr" presents the "heroic deeds" of a mujahid from one of the organizations who died in a suicide operation (including operations against civilians) or who was killed by the IDF.
The magazine also includes illustrations of figures (including child warriors) who embody the ancient Islamic ethos of jihad and martyrdom, presenting them as role models. These include the magazine's titular character, Al-Fateh ("The Conqueror") – a small boy on a horse brandishing a drawn sword (see Illustration No. 1 below) – as well as children carrying guns (Illustration No. 2), and photos of Hamas fighters launching Qassam rockets (Illustration No. 3).
Some issues feature stories with martyrdom themes, including characters who express a wish to die in battle and meet the virgins of Paradise, and parents who rejoice at their son's death in a jihad operation and celebrate by uttering cries of joy and handing out sweets.
The following are excerpts and illustrations from the magazine:
Glorification of Suicide Operations
The 60th issue of Al-Fateh features a story about Sa'id Hassan Hutari from Qalqilya, who carried out the June 2001 suicide bombing at a disco near the Dolphinarium in Tel Aviv, killing 21 people, mostly teens. The magazine presents Hutari's last message, in which he says: "I shall turn my body into pieces and bombs that will pursue the sons of Zion, blow them up, and burn the remains [of their bodies]." He then addresses his parents, telling them not to weep over his death, saying, "There is nothing greater than to give one's soul for the sake of Allah on Palestinian soil. Mother, utter cries of joy; Father and brothers, hand out sweets. Your son is awaiting his betrothal to the Virgins of Paradise."(1)
An illustrated story in Issue No. 69, "A Mission of Peace," tells of a boy named Basel who sets out to carry out a martyrdom operation against the "Zionist soldiers."(2) Issue No. 71 presents the story of Nasim Al-Ja'bari, who carried out a bombing in Beersheba. In the story, his mother says: "Before he left, he gave me 800 shekels. I felt deep sorrow, and cried six times that day without knowing why. When I heard the news that he had martyred himself, I took the money and bought dates, sweets, and coffee for the guests who would be coming to congratulate me."(3)
The "Palestinian Jihad" section in Issue No. 87 describes the 1974 "Um Al-Aqarib Operation" at a kibbutz, in which several Israelis were killed.(4)
Issue No. 9 features a poem glorifying the first Palestinian female suicide bomber, Wafa Idris, who in February 2002 carried out an attack in Jerusalem, killing one and wounding 140: "Glorious Wafa will always be with us. / She sacrificed her soul. / She stood up in the square proud, tall and defiant, / to punish the Zionist gang for the barbaric war, / and to teach the world a lesson about [the meaning of] nationalism. / Hurrah for this believing and loyal young woman. / She gave her soul to redeem the Al-Aqsa [Mosque] and Arab Jerusalem. / She uttered a cry of truth, which paved her way to eternal [life]. / She [entered] the Creator's Paradise and met Sumayya [the first female Muslim martyr]."(5)
Praise for Fighters Who Fired Rockets and Mortars into Israel
Issue No. 96 presents the story of Hamza Muharib, aka "The Knight of the Qassam Rockets," who was a member of a unit of Qassam launchers. It is related how he was killed by an Israeli missile fired at his vehicle while he was en route to "carry out a new jihad mission."(6) A story in Issue No. 104 tells of the "bravery" of Firas Salahat, from Hamas's armed forces, who was killed while firing rockets at the Jewish neighborhood of Gilo in Jerusalem during the Al-Aqsa Intifada."(7)
Antisemitic Content
Issue No. 35 tells of a girl named Asra who accompanies her grandmother on a visit to Palestinian prisoners in an Israeli jail. She asks her grandmother about the peace "that everyone is talking about," and her grandmother replies: "Do not forget, Asra, that we are dealing with the Jews, whom the Koran describes very explicitly. All these descriptions are clearly confirmed by today's [reality]. The Koran gives a very accurate characterization [of the Jews]. For example... they lie. In the past, they murdered the envoys of peace, prophets whom Allah had sent to [bring] justice and peace [to the world] and to deliver people from the darkness into the light. [The Jews] killed them, and also tried to kill the Prophet Muhammad in Medina. Today, they kill the followers of God's messenger."(8)
To view images from the magazine visit: http://memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=IA39307.
*C. Jacob is a research fellow at MEMRI.
Endnotes: (1) www.al-fateh.net/fa-73/tabib.htm, April 1, 2006. (2) www.al-fateh.net/fa-69/m-s2.htm, February 1, 2006. (3) www.al-fateh.net/fa-71/nasim.htm, March 1, 2006. (4) www.al-fateh.net/arch/fa-78/umm.htm, June 15, 2006. (5) http://www.al-fateh.net/nine/shahida.htm, May, 2003. (6) www.al-fateh.net/arch/f-96/hamza.htm, March 15, 2007. (7) www.al-fateh.net/show.php?id=73&cat=104, July 15, 2007. (8) www.al-fath.net/fa-75/luab.htm, May 1, 2006.
Hamas - Hezbollah, même combat : pour la suprématie de la haine, pour la destruction totale de ce qui n'est pas comme eux, même s'il faut payer le prix de la destruction du peuple qu'ils prétendent défendre.
Oui, les enfants, dès leur plus jeune âge, le Hamas les manipule et les pépare à la guerre, à la haine, pas à vivre en paix avec leur voisin
Hamas TV: Kills George Bush, Why Are The Muslims Not Protesting ?
Tous les vendredis, dans leurs mosquées, c'est aussi ce qui est martelé aux gamins qui y sont embrigadés : mort aux "infidèles," à savoir tout ce qui n'est pas musulman, selon leurs critères. Les gamines ont le choix entre pondre des futurs terroristes en cadence ou faire elles-mêmes les kamikazes. L'avenir pour la jeunesse palestinienne selon l'immuable méthode du Hamas (et du Fatah qui en a préparé le terrain), c'est l'explosion, pas la vie. Et nos politiciens applaudissent l'élection "démocratique" du Hamas...
Hamas: "Jews Can Not Be Trusted..."
The Quran 17:100-104 says that Allah gave the Land of Israel to the Jews.
Geert Wilders argues that Islam is a threat to western civilization, Wilders gave a lengthy interview on FOX News which may be seen here courtesy of JTA.org
mais bon, avec le soutien de la quasi totalité de nos médias, de notre "intelligentsia," de la plupart de nos politiciens, le Hamas et ses frères terroristes savent qu'ils ne risquent rien. Ce n'est pas demain la veille qu'on les empêchera de nuire, ni chez eux ni ailleurs dans le monde.
Mais n'allez surtout pas répéter tout cela autour de vous, car vous serez "au mieux" taxé de raciste...
Continue reading "Welcome to 'Lawfare'---A New type of Jihad" by Brooke Goldstein
Car chez nous, ils sont omnipotents grâce à nos politiciens qui ont soigneusement préparé la substitution de population, nécessaire pour détruire le judéo-christianisme qui résiste encore trop à leurs yeux. Les plus moutons d'entre nous s'en rendront compte un peu tard. Beaucoup trop tard pour réagir. Et pourtant, on ne pourra pas dire qu'on ne nous aura pas averti, car même leurs médias à eux font la publicité de leurs actes.. et pas que ceux de terrorisme..
According to Yemeni Law, the child can not prosecute as she is underage but the Court heard her complaint and Ordered the arrests of her father and husband.
The little girl was threatened by her father with Rape, had she refused to be married.
Read the full sad story here from the Yemen Times.
et voici l'article en entier :
For the first time in Yemen: 8-year-old girl asks for divorce in court

Issue: (1145), Volume 18 , From 10 April 2008 to 13 April 2008
By: Hamed Thabet
Nojoud Muhammed Nasser YT Photo by Hamed Thabet
SANA’A, April 9 - An eight-year-old girl decided last week to go the Sana’a West Court to prosecute her father, who forced her to marry a 30-year-old man.
Nojoud Muhammed Nasser arrived at court by herself on Wednesday, April 2, looking for a judge to handle her case against her father, Muhammed Nasser, who forced her two months ago to marry Faez Ali Thamer, a man 22 years her senior. The child also asked for a divorce, accusing her husband of sexual and domestic abuse.
According to Yemeni law, Nojoud cannot prosecute, as she is underage. However, court judge Muhammed Al-Qathi heard her complaint and subsequently ordered the arrests of both her father and husband.
“My father beat me and told me that I must marry this man, and if I did not, I would be raped and no law and no sheikh in this country would help me. I refused but I couldn’t stop the marriage,” Nojoud Nasser told the Yemen Times. “I asked and begged my mother, father, and aunt to help me to get divorced. They answered, ‘We can do nothing. If you want you can go to court by yourself.’ So this is what I have done,” she said.
Nasser said that she was exposed to sexual abuse and domestic violence by her husband. “He used to do bad things to me, and I had no idea as to what a marriage is. I would run from one room to another in order to escape, but in the end he would catch me and beat me and then continued to do what he wanted. I cried so much but no one listened to me. One day I ran away from him and came to the court and talked to them.”
“Whenever I wanted to play in the yard he beat me and asked me to go to the bedroom with him. This lasted for two months," added Nasser. "He was too tough with me, and whenever I asked him for mercy, he beat me and slapped me and then used me. I just want to have a respectful life and divorce him.”
Nasser’s uncle, who does not want to reveal his name, is following the case now as her guardian. According to her uncle, after Muhammed Nasser, the girl's father, lost his job as a garbage truck driver in Hajjah, he became a beggar, and soon after suffered from mental problems.
Thamer is in jail now. “Yes I was intimate with her, but I have done nothing wrong, as she is my wife and I have the right and no one can stop me," he said. "But if the judge or other people insist that I divorce her, I will do it, it’s ok.”
So far, no accusations have been made against her father, who was later released due to health problems, or Nasser's husband, who will remain in jail for further investigation.
“So far there is no case and no charges, as Nojoud arrived by herself to court asking just for a divorce,“ said Shatha Ali Nasser, a lawyer in the Supreme Court who is following Nojoud Nasser’s story.
Shatha Ali Nasser confirmed that item number 15 in Yemeni civil law reads that “no girl or boy can get married before the age of 15." However, this item was amended in 1998 so parents could make a contract of marriage between their children even if they are under the age of 15. But the husband cannot be intimate with her until she is ready or mature,” said Nasser.“This law is highly dangerous because it brings an end to a young girl’s happiness and future fruitful life. Nojoud did not get married, but she was raped by a 30-year old man.”
Nasser confirmed that Nojoud Nasser’s case is not the first of its kind in Yemen, but it is the first time that a girl went to court by herself to ask for a divorce.
“We are not planning to return Nojoud to her family. Who knows? Maybe after a few years the same thing will happen to her again," said Shatha Ali Nasser. "We are planning to put her in Dar Al-Rahama [an non-governmental organization that works with children], where she can have a better life and education. We do not want her family to pay her expenses, as they are poor.”
The husband
YT Photo by Hamed Thabet
YT Photo by Hamed Thabet
oui, les courageux terroristes musulmans font comme au Liban, ils installent leurs postes de tir dans les immeubles, les écoles, les hôpitaux. Et ils le font souvent avec des voitures de type "pick-up", à l'arrière desquelles ils montent leurs lances-missiles. Et une fois la salve partie, ils s'en vont, laissant les civils affronter la riposte israélienne pour les nouveaux tirs sur la population israélienne. Qui est comme toujours la grande oubliée du problème. Car si les Palestiniens ne tiraient pas chaque semaine, voire chaque jour pendant certaines périodes, sur les villes d'Israël, ni n'envoyaient des gosses se faire sauter avec des ceintures d'explosifs au milieu de la foule dans les bus ou les magasins israéliens, cette riposte à grande échelle n'aurait jamais eu lieu.
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