Another clue in police shooting
The two Kalashnikov rifles used to fire on a police bus last week had not been used in Greece before, according to tests carried out by anti-terrorism experts.
Sources revealed on the weekend that an examination of the bullet casings found at the scene of the shooting last Tuesday indicated that these weapons had not been used in any other attack, robbery or other criminal incident in Greece.
The shots were fired from the grounds of the University of Athens’s residence halls, known as Panepistimioupolis. One bullet blew out two tires on the bus, while another struck the engine.
Authorities believe that at least two people were involved in the attack and that a third person was probably acting as a lookout for the gunmen.
There has been no statement so far from police on whether they believe it was the action of a domestic terrorist organization, such as Revolutionary Struggle, or an anti-establishment group that has decided to use more extreme means to make their point.
Interior Minister Prokopis Pavlopoulos refrained from speculating. “Until the end of the investigation, I will not draw any conclusions,” he said in an interview with the weekly Real News. “What I can say is that criminal and provocative elements, which have no connection to the student movement and the university, are trying to cause confusion at universities but they will not succeed.”
Police sources told Kathimerini that authorities are concerned that a hardcore body of domestic terrorists may be using the recent shooting of 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos by a special guard as well as the events that followed it as an opportunity to recruit new blood into the organization.
Pavlopoulos defended his statement on the day after the teenager was killed, in which he said the police would be “on the defensive.”
“Defending does not mean you adopt a passive stance,” said Pavlopoulos. “I defend means that I protect and support.”
Quand le gouvernement réagit avec une juste fermeté contre la lie de l'humanité, il se fait taxer de fasciste. Quand il laisse les anarcho-socialistes tout casser, il se fait taxer de laxisme. Quand il prend une décision pour aider les commerçants pillés par les cohortes de la gauchiasse, les syndicats l'attaquent. Chercher l'erreur...
Ermou Street...
Et en Grèce comme en France ou Belgique ou ailleurs en Europe, le problème de la responsabilité des électeurs est aussi très évident. Comment donc se plaindre quand on vote TOUJOURS pour les MÊMES incompétents? Comment s'étonner de la CORRUPTION de ceux qui dispensent des "petits cadeaux" pour se faire élire, puisqu'on sait DÈS LE DÉPART qu'ils sont moralement corrompus, pour ne pas dire plus.
Time to find those worth trusting
The worst thing that can happen to a society is to see its institutions collapse – for the institutions are the glue that keep a society together.
Regrettably, Greeks have many reasons to feel less sure about the health of the country’s institutions these days.
The fact is that all the people who have been implicated in the major scandals that have made the headlines over the past few years have escaped unpunished. The judicial system has failed us. Greek universities produce worthless degrees. Moreover, our politicians are addicted to petty squabbling rather than serious problem-solving.
That said, there are many reasons to feel a bit more upbeat about the future of the country.
There are many police officers, judges, academics and politicians who are quietly doing their jobs, honoring the institutions they are meant to serve.
We have an obligation to discover these low-key figures and appoint them to key posts.
There is no need for sweeping changes. We just have to be more eclectic and make sure we pick the right people for the right jobs.
Oui, il y a des bons un peu partout, peu importe les partis, et ce sont ces gens compétents, ces bons serviteurs de la "chose publique," qu'il faut aller chercher et placer aux postes à responsabilités, à tous les échelons du pays. En Belgique par exemple, comme cadeau de Noël à la population, "ils" ont ressorti les vieux dinosaures - enfin, non, correction, ils se sont ressortis eux-mêmes de l'ombre, ces vieux briscards qui dirigent tout en sous-main depuis le hold up constitutionnel qu'ils ont organisé et accompli contre la royauté.. On croirait le psychodrame de l'élection interne du PS en France.
Ce n'est pas exactement ça qui sortira ces pays du gouffre où ils se sont enfoncés. Mais les électeurs vont-ils un jour le comprendre, tant qu'il est encore un tout petit peu possible de faire marche arrière dans tant de domaines où on va droit à la catastrophe? A lire les sondages d'opinions et les résultats d'élections partielles de ci de là, on est en droit d'avoir les pires craintes en la matière.
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