Tout ce qui était contre nature était toléré, voire encouragé. Leur pays s'est effondré. A présent, ils ont un maire d'une mégapole qui est islamiste - Rotterdam - et on peut brûler leurs églises (où ils ne vont d'ailleurs quasiment plus) sans que cela ne provoque de vagues d'indignation et des manifestations. Et l'arrestation et la mise au bagne des coupables.
Quand le mouton s'est trop laissé tondre, après il est juste bon pour servir au sacrifice sanglant de la "religion de paix et d'amour."
A propos, avez-vous lu quoi que ce soit au sujet de cette nouvelle attaque contre l'Europe, commise sur le sol européen, dans vos journaux habituels? Pourtant, dès qu'un chien lève la papatte sur le mur d'une mosquée (qui n'a rien à faire en Europe), manifestations "spontanées", "élus" "européens" en tête, émeutes "qu'il faut bien comprendre," où ce sont d'ailleurs toujours les biens matériels (voire les vies) d'Occidentaux qui sont visés (et jamais de punition ni de réparation, les victimes ne sont que des cochons de roumis..)...
très prometteuse, cette jeunesse bien intégrée..
Et il paraît que Geert Wilders exagère dans ses mises en garde..
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Dutch Church Firebombed by Moroccans
by Baron Bodissey
Our Flemish correspondent VH has translated some material from the Netherlands concerning the latest incident of cultural enrichment by the “youths” of Gouda.First, his translation of the news report from Elsevier:
Moroccans throw fire bomb at church Gouda- - - - - - - - -
Four Moroccan teenage troublemakers have tried to set fire to the Reformed church in the Bloemendaal district in Gouda by throwing a Molotov cocktail at the building. The damage was limited, but the police and the mayor take the issue seriously.
According to the police in Gouda the Moroccan boys (three of them fourteen years old, one fifteen) threw “a small bottle filled with a flammable liquid” against the door of the church on Saturday evening.
A spokesman for the church told De Telegraaf that the door of the building, the Vaste Burcht, sustained significant damage.
At the time of the attack nobody was in the church. “The police and fire brigade arrived immediately,” the spokesman said in the newspaper. [He added: “there is often trouble here, but this is the first time a firebomb has been thrown.”]
The police arrested the four suspects of Moroccan descent the same evening. One of the fourteen-year-olds was released short afterwards, because his involvement could not be proved.
‘The work of naughty boys’
The other three had to stay a night in the police cell and will be brought before the judiciary Tuesday.
Rioting Moroccan youth have recently caused many problems in Gouda, but that was in another neighborhood: Oosterwei.
According to church administrator A. van der Schee, the church has not been threatened this way before: “There have been windows smashed in sometimes, but that is what we call here the work of ‘naughty boys’“.
And now some commentary and supplementary material from VH:
Note: Only a few weeks ago the Public University of Gouda left the Oosterwei neighborhood due to the many burglaries and destructive incidents: “After more than fifty burglaries and smashed windows we’re fed up. We are going to move so there is nothing to rob here anymore,” is written in bold letters on a sign on the windows of the school.
“Time and again cleaning up the mess, having new windows fitted and notifying the police, we’re sick and tired of it,” says director Cokky Leersum-Scheer in De Telegraaf. “Enough is enough!”
According to the director, the Public University is not the only one suffering from crime. “Other entrepreneurs have already left, like the hairdresser. Most of destruction has taken place around four o’clock in the morning. It may be because of boredom. We have always reported it to the police, but unfortunately all these years no one was ever caught.” The police says they are working on the case.
Even church is not safe for the Moroccan intifada
Questions from Parliament members Wilders and Fritsma (both PVV) to the Minister of Justice [Ernst Hirsh Ballin, CDA; Christian Democrat] and the Minister for Housing, Neighborhoods and Integration [Eberhard van der Laan, PvdA; Labour] on the arson attack by Moroccan youth of a church in Gouda:
1. Are you familiar with the report of young Moroccans having thrown a fire bomb at a church in Gouda? 2. Do you share our opinion that this attack again proves that these Moroccan street-scum simply despise our culture and society? If not, why not? 3. What do you make of the fact that, due to the grave Islamization of our society, even the church, notably the symbol of our Christian tradition, is not safe? 4. Why didn’t you immediately condemn in the strongest way this insult of our society and the Christian community by Muslims? 5. Why do you use double standards by doing nothing now, while that is clearly different for instance in case of violence against a mosque? 6. Do you share our opinion that it is particularly sad that the Muslim community has not taken a stand against this crime, while the same community stands on their hind legs to demand respect? If not, why not? 7. Isn’t it time to request the Muslim community to show respect for our society, manners and core values? 8. What are you going to do to put down immediately the Moroccan intifada — which harasses the Netherlands — as well as the continuing Islamization of our society? 9. Do you acknowledge the need to remove persistent street terrorists who not only are in possession of the Dutch nationality, as well as their parents in case the instigators are minors?-
La rédaction de ZoonPolitikon recommande en tout cas la visite régulière de ce blog internet anglophone, partisan des racines de l'Europe et de la grande Europe forte, qui faisait envie au monde et trembler l'islam : "Gates of Vienna"
Un beau titre bien évocateur. Car c'est à Vienne, en Autriche, que les Serbes ont arrêté au prix de leur vie la vague monstrueuse de l'islam qui venait pour nous submerger, massacrant tout sur son passage.
"Lors du siège de Vienne en 1683, l'islam semblait prêt à écraser toute l'Europe chrétienne. Nous sommes dans une nouvelle phase d'une très ancienne guerre."
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